DCNR Calendar of Events
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Wilderness Survival: Primitive Fire Building & Meal Preparation

100 RT 36, Cooksburg, PA 16217-0120

Free Event

Dust off your ferrule rods and meet us at the Log Cabin Inn Environmental Learning Classroom to learn various fire starting techniques.  We will then prepare our lunch and car-pool to the Black Bear Trail area to use our new found fire starting skills to cook our meal.  All participants will receive a ‘Fire N’ Five’ fire starting kit and food for their meals.   Ask past participants, we do not skimp on food!  Please contact the Park Office at (814)744-8407 to register.  Cost is $25 due by 8/22 with check or money order made out to the ‘Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’ and sent to Cook Forest State Park, P.O. Box 120, Cooksburg, PA 16217 with ATTN: Wilderness Survival.  Participation will be limited to 20 people.  Registration fee will be withheld for cancellations after registration deadline. 

Saturday, August 24, 2019 9am to 2pm