Wild Edibles!
1579 State Park Road, Newport, PA 17074-9428
Little Buffalo State Park is proud to present Debbie Naha (the Wild Edibles Lady) to help us discover the edible plants in our area.
Many people don’t realize that they are surrounded by edible plants. From vacant lots to backyards and woodlands, nature provides an abundance of plants that are food for humans.
Educator, licensed nutritionist, and wild edibles expert Debbie Naha will discuss plant identification, safety, look-alike plants, sustainable harvesting, and nutrition.
Join her to learn about the wild edible plants of our area and take home a wild recipe or two!
Debbie Naha received her master’s degree in Clinical Nutrition from New York University. She is a Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist, a Certified Rutgers Master Gardener, and a Pennsylvania Master Naturalist. Her specialty (her passion!) is Wild Edible Plants.
Debbie’s advanced training in nutrition provides a unique approach to appreciating wild edibles. She sees foraging as a way to satisfy the human desire to connect with nature and looks at wild food from many angles including gourmet cooking, self-reliance, health and nutrition.
This event requires a pre-registration, and the cost per person is $5. A check must be mailed to or brought into the park office no later than Friday August 31st. This event is first come, first served and limited to 25 people. To sign up, call the park office at 717-567-9255 or email LittleBuffaloSP@pa.gov.
Sunday, September 2, 2018 1pm to 3pm