DCNR Calendar of Events
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Wild About Elk Educator Workshop-FULL

134 Homestead Drive, Benezette, PA 15821

Free Event

This two-day workshop is for formal and non-formal educators. During this workshop, educators will learn about the history and management of Pennsylvania elk, meet the elk biologist, land manager, game warden, and Pennsylvania Game Commission, Keystone Elk Country Alliiance, and Department of Conservation and Natural Resources educators. The coiurse will include a hike on State Game Land 311 to see active habitat management and (hopefully view elk, as well as an attempted elk calf capture research activity. Attendees must attend both days.( June 10th 11:15-5:30 and June 11th 7:00-1:15) Lunch will be provided. Call 570-398-4744 Ext. 311 to register.        11.5 ACT 48 hours

Tuesday, June 11, 2019 7am to 1:15pm