WILD About Bears🐻Educator Workshop
4881 Ft. Loudon Rd, Mercersburg, PA 17236
#teacherworkshopWILD About Bears🐻Educator Workshop
Thursday, June 6, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
In-Person at the Charles Brightbill Education Center, 4881 Ft. Loudon Rd, Mercersburg, PA 17236
Act 48: 7 hrs.
Fee: $10! Pre-registration is required.
Join PA Game Commission (PGC) educators and biologists for an in-depth & up-close educational experience with Black Bears! You will receive your own copy of the award-winning Project WILD K-12 Curriculum & Activity Guide as well as lessons & activities to integrate bear🐻 lessons into your teaching. You'll learn about black bear biology, research trapping efforts, & management practices, as well as how the PGC handles nuisance bears. Although not guaranteed, all efforts will be made to have at least one live black bear on site to be safely processed and tagged. This workshop is targeted to grade levels 3-12.
Register NOW by contacting Jordan Sanford, Wildlife Outreach Coordinator, at jorsanford@pa.gov or 717-787-4250 ext. 73337. Register closes at 4:00 pm 5/24/2024.
Participants should wear sturdy shoes and be prepared to be outside for part of the day.
Thursday, June 6, 2024 8am to 4pm