Welcoming Spring Stroll
11 Lodi Hill Road, Upper Black Eddy, PA 18972-9540
***Pre-registration is required: please register here...https://www.meetup.com/eastpaparks/events/292339464/***
***Meeting location: Delaware Canal State Park Office, 11 Lodi Hill Rd., Upper Black Eddy, PA***
While winter went easy on us this year, join a state park naturalist as we welcome the official start of spring! On this ~3.5 mile walk along the level terrain towpath, we will watch and listen for wildlife as the sun sets.
Please bring water and wear sturdy shoes. This hike may be cancelled or postponed in the event of inclement weather.
Contact: Gabie Lent [p] (610) 982-0166 [e] glent@pa.gov
Monday, March 20, 2023 5:30pm to 7:30pm