DCNR Calendar of Events
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Waterfowl Watch

Free Event

Memorial Lake is a great stop-over point for migrating birds looking to rest and refuel. Join the park naturalist for a morning walk around the lake to explore who is making their way through the park. All levels of experience welcome! The park has binoculars and field guides to lend out, but feel free to bring your own. Walk will begin near the Middle Lot pavilion.

All programs are subject to change due to weather or staffing shortages. Please check the DCNR Calendar of events or Facebook page for cancellations or changes to programs. If you have concerns or require special accommodations, please reach out to us at least 72 hours prior to the event at 717-865-6470 or email us at qheist@pa.gov.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024 10am to 11:30am