Virtual Lunchtime Lecture: Wildlife Traces
1579 State Park Road, Newport, PA 17074-9428
**Date change** This program has been moved to Tuesday, Feb. 16th.
This program will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams; it will NOT take place face-to-face in the park.
What does a bobcat track look like? How can I tell if turkeys are in my area? What does bear scat look like? In this lecture we will learn what tracks and signs our local wildlife makes and teach you how to look for these signs, turning your walk in the woods into a wildlife scavenger hunt!
This is a virtual program with no in-person component. Participants must register in order to receive the link to the Microsoft Teams program. If you are new to Teams, please test the link to ensure you can access it properly. Special accommodations can be made if staff is notified prior to the event. Email or call 717-567-9255 for questions or concerns.
Tuesday, February 16, 2021 12pm to 12:45pm