Virtual Lunchtime Lecture: Waterfowl ID
1579 State Park Road, Newport, PA 17074-9428
This program will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams; it will NOT take place face-to-face in the park.
New for the month of January, join the park naturalist virtually for a look into the wildlife of Little Buffalo! Each Monday & Wednesday, join us for a lunchtime lecture on various wildlife topics via Microsoft Teams. Register for each event (they're free!) and receive an email to a link to the program.
Join us on Jan. 4th at 12:00pm to learn the basics of waterfowl identification and what birds you may see at Little Buffalo. Winter is a wonderful time to see ducks, geese, and occassional swans visiting the lake, especially during bad weather. Learn tips on how to ID these birds from a distance, then bring your binoculars or cameras and try to find them on the lake whenever you wish!
This is a virtual program with no in-person component. We do encourage visitors to stop along the lake and look for waterfowl on their own! See the schedule below for more programs in January.
Jan. Schedule
Jan. 4th - Waterfowl Identification
Jan. 6th - Waterfowl Conservation
Jan. 11th - White-tailed Deer Biology
Jan. 13th - White-tailed Deer Conservation
Jan. 18th - Wild Turkeys
Jan. 20th - Grouse & Pheasant
Jan. 25th - Black Bears
Jan. 27th - Furbearers
Monday, January 4, 2021 12pm to 12:40pm