Virtual Lunchtime Lecture: Black Bears
1579 State Park Road, Newport, PA 17074-9428
This program will be held virtually via Microsoft Teams; it will NOT take place face-to-face in the park.
New for the month of January, join the park naturalist virtually for a look into the wildlife of Little Buffalo! Each Monday & Wednesday, join us for a lunchtime lecture on various wildlife topics via Microsoft Teams.
Register for each event (they're free!) and recieve an email to a link to the program. Join us on Jan. 25th to learn about black bears in Pennsylvania, including their natural history and conservation in the state. This is a virtual program with no in-person component.
Jan. Schedule
Jan. 4th - Waterfowl Identification
Jan. 6th - Waterfowl Conservation
Jan. 11th - White-tailed Deer Biology
Jan. 13th - White-tailed Deer Conservation
Jan. 18th - Wild Turkeys
Jan. 20th - Grouse & Pheasant
Jan. 25th - Black Bears
Jan. 27th - Furbearers
Monday, January 25, 2021 12pm to 12:45pm