DCNR Calendar of Events
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Tree ID

220 Locust Lake Road, Barnesville, PA 18214, USA

In forests, a tree’s growth strategy is to a large extent determined by a struggle for sunlight, either by growing taller towards brighter conditions or by expanding leaf area or crown size to capture more of the available light.


Join Frank Snyder, a retired forester, in a discussion on how trees battle for sunlight.  During this program, you will learn how to determine the dominant trees or the winners in the forest, why some trees grow crooked, some tree identification and other interesting tree tidbits. Meet at the amphitheatre.


The presentation includes a short walk to specific trees to discuss their silvics or life history and characteristics of their species and examine their strategy to capture sunlight.


This program is sponsored by the Schuylkill County Conservancy.


Saturday, August 5, 2023 5pm