DCNR Calendar of Events
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Self-Guided Prairie Pollinator Walkabout

2951 Prospect Rd., Slippery Rock, PA 16057-5023

Discover the diversity of pollinators taking advantage of the bounty of blooms in Pennsylvania’s only managed and protected prairie during a special, limited-time only Self-Guided Prairie Pollinator Walkabout at Jennings Environmental Education Center. 

From Saturday, August 10 through Sunday, August 25, enjoy the bees, butterflies, hummingbirds and others that carry pollen from one flower to another ensuring seeds will be produced for the next generation of prairie flowers.  Visitors can pick up a free guide and follow a designated route to discover the connection these pollinators have with the flowers they visit.   

No registration is required, but visitors wishing to receive the guide electronically may contact jenningssp@pa.gov or call 724-794-6011.

The printed guide and experience are available sunrise to sunset August 10 - August 25 beginning at the prairie side parking lot bulletin board, as well as from 8 am 4 pm in the Center. 

Visitors should be prepared with water, sunscreen, closed-toed shoes, and bug spray. Afternoons are generally the best time to visit to observe pollinators, but afternoons are quite hot on the open prairie.

Saturday, August 10, 2024 7am to 8pm