Rulers of the Sky: Eagles & Ospreys
170 Route 259 Highway, Penn Run, PA 15765-5941
It's not unusual to find a bald eagle or osprey flying over Yellow Creek Lake looking for fish. It wasn't very long ago that we almost lost these amazing birds. We will meet at the Environmental Learning Center at head out for some raptor watching. You can use our books & binoculars or bring your own as we head around the lake. Please carpool if possible.
After the raptor watch hike, we will return to the Environmental Learning Center for a talk with amateur photographer, Anthony Frasier and his amazing photos of eagles and ospreys hunting and soaring in the skies of our state park. This program is best suited for adults, teens, & children ages 9 & up that want to learn about Eagles and Ospreys.
Saturday, August 24, 2019 9am