DCNR Calendar of Events
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Roaring Creek Drive Through

Roaring Creek Tract, South of Numidia, Entry from Rt. 42 Gate

On October 23, 2022, the District Forester for the Weiser Forest District will provide the public with a unique opportunity to drive on the Roaring Creek Trail through the Weiser State Forest, Roaring Creek Tract. The drive-through will begin at 9:30 AM, starting at the Route 42 parking lot gate; the gate will remain open until 2:00 PM. Traffic will be restricted to one-way travel on the 8-mile Roaring Creek Trail and will exit at the Route 54 parking lot gate. All vehicles must exit the Roaring Creek Trail by 3:00 PM. Passenger vehicles only (cars, pick-up trucks, SUVs, passenger vans, motorcycles) will be permitted to enter. Vehicles towing trailers/campers, buses, motor homes and other large vehicles will not be permitted.

Call 570-875-6450 with questions.

Sunday, October 23, 2022 9:30am to 2am