DCNR Calendar of Events
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Presque Isle Trivia Night

301 Peninsula Drive, Suite 1, Erie, PA 16505-2042

Come to the Big Green Screen at the Tom Ridge Environmental Center to answer some fun trivia about Presque Isle State Park. The questions will be related to Presque Isle's history, plants, animals, and natural wonders. How much do you know about the park?

Each team must have at least 3 members and a maximum of 5 members. The fee is $5.00 per person, which includes popcorn, drink, and a chance to win prizes.

Please call the Big Green Screen at 814-838-4123 or register online: https://biggreenscreen.com/events.

The fee will be collected at the door before the event.

Programming is subject to modification or cancellation at the discretion of park staff. If you need an accommodation to participate in Park activities due to a disability, please contact Presque Isle State Park at 814-833-7424 to make arrangements for your visit. With at least three days’ notice, interpreters for people who are deaf or hard of hearing are available for educational programs. Please call the Erie ASL Interpreters’ Office at (814) 806-2511 for more information about this service.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019 6pm to 8pm