Owls of Pennsylvania
500 Kings Gap Rd., Carlisle, PA 17015-9306
Saturday, October 29, 2022
Friday, November 4, 2022
8:00 PM
Meet at Education Building
In this free program for ages 6+, join us to learn about owls
found in PA. Saw-Whet Owls will be featured.
Licensed banders will monitor capture nets as part of a 20+
year research project.
If there is inclement weather, we will still have a program, but
there will be no banding for live owls.
If owls are caught, the banding and data collection process will
be demonstrated indoors on a live bird.
For more info, contact ra-nrspkingees@pa.gov or (717) 486-3799.
Friday, November 4, 2022 8pm to 9:30pm