DCNR Calendar of Events
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Ohiopyle Trailjourn: Meadow Run

124 Main St, Ohiopyle, PA 15470-0105

Join us for the next leg of our trailjourn.  What is a trailjourn? We are hiking and biking all of the park's trails this year.  Missed other hikes? No worries you can sign up and catch up on your own.  We will register people for the trailjourn at this hike. No need to be a trailjourner to come along! We will meet at the Meadow Run Slides Parking Lot.  This hike is a moderately difficult hike along Meadow Run, including the slides and Cascaddes Waterfall. The hike will be roughly 3 miles.

Friday, July 12, 2024 1pm to 3:30pm