Night Sky Tour
4639 Cherry Springs Road, Coudersport, PA 16915
Experience the splendor of the night sky at Cherry Springs State Park. Observe the constellations through a laser-guided tour conducted by park staff. Hear legends and myths surrounding several familiar and not so familiar patterns in the sky. Learn about park history, current use, and the importance of dark night skies.
Following the program, the park may have telescopes available for an up close look at celestial objects. Telescope availability is subject to staff/volunteer availability, weather conditions, and crowd size limitations.
Registration is not required for this program.
While you may still observe on your own at the park without attending a program, all visitors should arrive before dark.
Programs are conducted at the Night Sky Public Viewing Area. Follow the walkway from the public program parking to the seating area. Since seating is limited, you may want to bring a chair and/or blanket.
The park asks that visitors to the Night Sky programs please leave their pets at home. Dim lighting, large crowds and sensitive equipment do not create a pet-friendly environment.
All programs will be cancelled in the event of rain or thunder.
Visitors may want to check the Clear Sky Chart or Astrospheric for 48-hour forecasts of cloud cover and viewing conditions.
Sunday, May 29, 2022 9:30pm to 10pm