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Neshaminy State Park Storybook Trail - Sendero de Storybook

3401 State Road, Bensalem, PA 19020-5930

A bilingual story leads visitors along the Logan Garden Trail Loop. Come and enjoy this self-guided tour. (Note: the trail’s not on the park’s map yet so the only way to find it is to come to the park behind Wink’s Lane and follow the signs!)

Enjoy one of these books:

Senorita Mariposa
El agua rueda, el agua sube (Water Rolls, Water Rises)
La luz de Lucía (Lucy’s Light)
I Hear You, Forest

El Storybook está en el circuito de Logan Garden Trail. Es un sendero corto y plano detrás de Winks Lane. Una vez que llegues al parque, sigue los postes del sendero.

Monday, July 25, 2022