DCNR Calendar of Events
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Native Pollinator Garden Showcase!

1112 River Road, Washington Crossing, PA 18977


Join the celebration on Sunday, May 26, as we unveil the NEW Eliza Taylor Pollinator Garden at Washington Crossing Historic Park!  This program is in partnership with local Girl Scout Troop 226. Follow along and discover how 2 local Girl Scouts worked to earn their Silver Award as they teach you all about pollinators, perennials, and the importance of native pollinator gardens! 


After a brief presentation inside the parks Visitor Center, you will be invited to join in a ribbon cutting ceremony at the new garden. Please don't forget to pack a lunch!


SPECIAL REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS: Registration for this program is being handled by the Girl Scouts.  To register, follow the linke below: 



Sunday, May 26, 2024 10am to 2pm