DCNR Calendar of Events
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MWEE Development and Training

500 Kings Gap Rd., Carlisle, PA 17015-9306

Free Event

Attention:  All teachers in the Capital Area Intermediate Unit (IU15).


Educators in the Capital Area Intermediate Unit 15 are invited to join the Chesapeake Bay Foundation for a Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience (MWEE) development and training.

Pre-requisite:  Complete the MWEE 101 online training course. Participants will receive a MWEE training certificate.

Educators will collaborate to design successful meaningful watershed experiences for their school communities that utilize and benefit the local environment and promote environmental literacy. By doing so, participants gain fundamental knowledge of the MWEE framework and how to incorporate existing knowledge of 3-demensional learning and the STEELS standards into lesson planning.

Participants who successfully complete all components of these two days will be eligible for a $200 stipend and additional resources provided due to the partnership between the NOAA Chesapeake Bay Watershed Education & Training (B-WET) Program and Chesapeake Bay Foundation.

Act 48/CE: Upon successful course completion, participants are eligible for continuing education credit or contact hours.

Questions? Contact Jen: JPeglow@cbf.org


REGISTER: https://events.cbf.org/oct24mwee

Wednesday, October 9, 2024 9am to 3pm