DCNR Calendar of Events
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Morning Star and Meteors

1542 Mountain View Dr., Quakertown, PA 18951-5732

Free Event

Unfortunately, we're looking at 97% cloud coverage and a decent chance of showers. Since we won't be able to see anything, this event has been cancelled.


Calling all early risers! Now is a wonderful time of year to get up early and marvel at Venus, our "Morning Star." And this morning, we may get to marvel at meteors too!

Bundle up, brew a thermos of coffee, bring a lawn chair, and join the park educator to start your day the celestial way. We will get a good look at Venus, which is just about to reach its highest point in the morning sky. We should see a few meteors, as the Orionids will be peaking at a maximum of 10-20 per hour. We'll look for some other winter sky objects, have interesting conversation about the night sky, and stick around to watch the sun rise over the lake.

This casual event will run from 5:00 AM to around 7:30 AM. No registration required. Meet at Tohickon Boat Launch parking lot. Come hang out for the whole time, or join us for a bit (5:00 for best meteor viewing, or around 6:30 to just catch the sunrise). Rainy weather will cause this event to be cancelled. Cloudy weather will obscure or prevent meteor and star gazing, but should have no effect on drinking hot beverages and waiting for the sun to rise!


Contact: Rachel, Environmental Education Specialist


Saturday, October 21, 2023 5am to 7:30am