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"Migration Behavior of Snowy Owls and Broad-winged Hawks" presented by the Baird Ornithological Club

3025 New Holland Road, Reading, PA 19607



We have just been informed by the club that the speaker has been changed for March 10. The snowy owl presentation will be rescheduled. The new program is listed below:

Friday, March 10, 7:30 pm, in-person at

Nolde Forest Environmental Ed. Center
3025 New Holland Road, Reading PA 19607

Program: “Middle Creek WMA” –

Brant Portner, Environmental Education Specialist, PGC In 2018, Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area hosted nearly 180,000 migrating snow geese and tens of thousands of other waterfowl species such as tundra swans. Learn about how this migration event came to be, more about what makes these species unique, and the best tips for how to view them during the spring migration. Additional information will include some other sights and species to see outside of the typical spring waterfowl migration at Middle Creek.


Join the members of the Baird Ornithological club for thier montly public program in McConnell Hall at Nolde Forest EEC.

In this program, Rebecca McCabe will present about the nonbreeding period of two iconic raptors: the Snowy Owl and the Broad-winged Hawk.

Celebrating over 100 years, the Baird Ornithological Club was founded in Reading, PA in 1921 to celebrate the birds of Berks County and foster relationships between ornithologists. For more information: https://www.bairdornithological.club/

Friday, March 10, 2023 7:30pm