DCNR Calendar of Events
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Knotweed SmackDown

400 Belfast Rd, Nazareth, PA 18064

Free Event

We will be challenging the ever-bothersome plant invader, Japanese Knotweed to a duel! Using machetes as our defense with feet firmly planted in the stream, we will help reclaim the lost territory of our native streambank inhabitants to once again diversify and prosper. En garde!

We will be walking in the stream to cut down Japanese Knotweed (an invasive plant) on streambanks.  Please wear shoes you are comfortable with getting wet. Waders and boots may be provided, but are not guaranteed.    

  • Spaces are limited due to the number of machetes we can provide. Please let us know if you will bring your own machete so that we can allow more volunteers to participate in this fun and exciting experience.

Participants must be ages 16+.  All participants are required to maintain a safe social distance and wear a mask at all times during the program. Our written health and safety plan is available upon request. Please register all members of your party including adults and children as space is limited.

Saturday, June 12, 2021 9am to 12pm