How do Deer Affect the Forest
Silver Creek Road and Salt Springs Road, Montrose, PA 18801
http://www.friendsofsaltspringspark.orgJim Kessler will discuss the effects deer are having on PA’s woodlands and share clues to use to determine the degree to which deer are affecting a particular forest. Learn how AVID, a citizen science method to Assess Vegetation Impacts from Deer (, is being used to assess deer impacts at Salt Springs and how you can use the method in your own woodlands. Deer browse is heavy at Salt Springs and affects habitat negatively, so we’re taking this first step in studying the impacts in hopes of implementing a plan to slow down this phenomenon and protect the biodiversity of our lands. This project was funded in part by the Actus Foundation in conjunction with Cornell University. Meet at the Friends Parking Lot on Buckley Road for this presentation and walk to the site via the Cliff and Bunny Trails. Fee: Free-will donation.
Saturday, November 6, 2021 9am