Home School Nature Adventures
1023 Sycamore Mills Rd., Media, PA 19063-4398
http://events.dcnr.pa.gov/ridley_creek_state_parkDiscover nature with other elementary age homeschoolers (K-5) who meet up every other Friday with DCNR park naturalist to explore the outdoors through a wide variety of interactive programs including: nature hikes, birding, reptiles/amphibians, PA mammals, animal tracking, owls, bats, skulls/bones, rocks/minerals, fossils, stream ecology, pollinators, trees/wildflowers, native/invasive/endangered species, orienteering, knot tying, fire building and more. Playground and bathroom adjacent to pavilion for younger siblings if/as needed. Dress for current weather with walking shoes (9/20 in water). Programs are geared towards homeschoolers but open to all youth. Parent or guardian must accompany their child. Registration NOT required. This year's DiscoverE nature programs will run every other Friday from March 22 through November 1 for the 2024 season.
Friday, October 18, 2024 10am to 12pm