Greenwood Furnace First Day Hike
15795 Greenwood Road, Huntingdon, PA 16652-5831
This 5 mile loop with about 800 feet of elevation gain leaves Greenwood Furnace along the Monsell Trail, meanders through a mature oak forest along Lorence trail, then summits the Stone Mountain Ridge on Turkey Trail - showcasing the fine stone work of the Standing Stone Trail Club. Once on the ridge top we will walk along the Standing Stone Trail to the Stone Valley Vista, looking back on Greenwood Furnace and taking snack/picture break, then proceed north on the SST back to the trailhead at the park. Depending on snow conditions this hike should take 3-4 hours.
Hike begins a the Park Office. 5 miles in length. Degree of Difficulty - More Difficult. No minimum age for children, but child hikers need to be prepared to finish the loop! Pets on a leash welcome.Bring water, snacks, and a camera for the vista!
Friday, January 1, 2016 12pm to 4pm