DCNR Calendar of Events
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Good Morning Nature Kayak Preregistration required

170 Route 259 Highway, Penn Run, PA 15765-5941

Free Event

Join us for a morning of wildlife watching and exploring the North Shore from a kayak.  We will explore around the dam, shoreline of Dam Site Trail, and the edges of the Boy Scout Camp.  Bring your own kayak or borrow one of ours.  IF YOU NEED TO BORROW A KAYAK, YOU MUST NOTE IN YOUR REGISTRATION THAT YOU NEED ONE.  IF YOU DON'T NOTE IN REGISTRATION THAT YOU NEED A KAYAK, ONE MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE FOR  YOU.  This program is for adults and teens, age 12 & older.  Must weigh at least 90lbs to fit our life jackets.  Adult must sign release form and remain in the park for the program for those under 18. 


We will meet at the North Shore Boat Launch.  Please bring water, sunscreen, and bug spray, binoculars, or borrow ours. Register here: http://eventsreg.dcnr.pa.gov/register/create/47074960352121


Sunday, September 1, 2024 9:30am to 11:30am