Go Teach: Snowshoe Teacher Workshop
15795 Greenwood Road, Huntingdon, PA 16652-5831
Learn how to enable your students to discover Penn's Woods through an interdisciplinary set of lessons created by the PA Bureau of State Parks. Lessons focus on health, fitness, and trip planning; weather and climate change; as well as history. The lessons meet several Physical Education & Health standards as well as standards for Geography, Science & Technology, Environment & Ecology, and History.
The course will include an afternoon snowshoe around Greenwood Furnace. All equipment will be provided.
Open to all formal and non-formal educators.
Fee: $20 includes educational guide, access to loaner equipment, & refreshements
6 ACT 48 hours available
Coffee, tea, and snacks will be provided. Bring a packed lunch.
Registration Deadline: Friday, Feruary 17, 2023.
Limited to 15 participants.
For more information or to register/pay, contact the park office at 814-667-1800.
Saturday, February 25, 2023 9am to 4pm