DCNR Calendar of Events
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First Day Hikes 2023

2600 Smith Station Road, Hanover, PA 17331-8000

Start the New Year on the right foot with a walk in the park!  Enjoy the beauty of the equestrian trails as we look for signs of wildlife and see what winter in the park is all about. 

 This year we are offering 3 hikes— choose between a 2.5 mile hike over hills and through the pines or a more leisurely 1-mile walk through the woods and along the fields. 

9:00 AM

1-mile walk


11:00 AM

2.5-mile hike


1:00 PM

1-mile walk


**The trails may be muddy or snow covered and the breeze from the lake can be chilly - please dress appropriately for the weather.**


For more information, contact Codorus State Park at (717) 637-3454


Cancellation will be announced on the Codorus State Park Facebook page if needed. 


Sunday, January 1, 2023 1pm to 2pm