First Day Hike
132 State Park Road, Schellsburg, PA 15559-7300
The information for our First Day hike at Shawnee is below. We hope you'll join us!
Name of Trail: Felton Trail
Time of Event : 11am
Meeting Location: Pavilion #7 parking Area
Degree of Difficulty: (easy, moderate, strenuous): Moderate
Minimum Age for Children: 6
Any restrictions? (i.e. no pets permitted): N/A
Length of Hike (# of miles): 2 miles
- Things to bring (water, snowshoes, snacks, etc.): Water and Shoes with good traction
The trail is wooded and will take us in a stream valley to the top of the ridge, the trail is a look with minimal walking on the road. The hike is free.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020 11am