Fireflies: Nature’s Fireworks!
2951 Prospect Rd., Slippery Rock, PA 16057-5023
Fireflies are a quintessential part of the summertime experience, their soft glow on warm nights entice children to chase them in hopes of capturing them in glass jars. These are nature’s fireworks, lighting up the fields and forests during the summer months.
Join Jennings’ staff to celebrate fireflies at Jennings! A 45-minute indoor presentation will be followed by a stroll along the prairie trails admiring the flashes of Pennsylvania’s state insect, the firefly. This program is designed for adults and older children.
Registration is required. Registration will open on June 1, 2024. Please register by clicking on the green button to the right or by calling the Center at 724-794-6011 no later than Wednesday, July 3, 2024.
Friday, July 5, 2024 8:30pm to 10pm