Film and Fun - The Gruffalo's Child
301 Peninsula Drive, Suite 1, Erie, PA 16505-2042
The Gruffalo's Child tells the tale of a Gruffalo child, who takes a walk throught the woods, in search of the big, bad mouse, encountering many animals along the way.
All ages are invited to the Tom Ridge Enviromental Center on Saturdays and Sundays, in February, to watch this 30-minute animated film on the Big Green Screen.
Movie times are 11am and 2pm.
Afterwards, enjoy a Gruffalo's Child related activity, led by DCNR Environmental Educators.
Movie tickets are $3 per person, payable at the door. No registration required.
For more information, go to
Programs are subject to modification or cancellation, at the discretion of park staff. If you need an accommodation, to participate in Park activities, due to a disability, please contact Presque Isle State Park at (814) 833-7424 to make arrangements for your visit. With at least three days' notice, interpreters, for people who are deaf or hard of hearing, are available for educational programs. Please call the Erie ASL Interpreters' Office at (814) 806-2511, for more information, about this service.
Sunday, February 25, 2018 11am to 3pm