DCNR Calendar of Events
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Family Fishing Program

100 RT 36, Cooksburg, PA 16217-0120


The Family Fishing Program is for families with little or no fishing experience. Participants learn basic fishing skills and to practice those skills while fishing during the program. The program is open to all ages, including children ages 5 and older. Those under age 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. The program is free and all equipment is provided.

NOTE: the fishing license requirement is waived during the program for participants age 16 and older.


PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED. **Please PRE-REGISTER each person attending with you. At this program, PFBC staff will introduce participants to the basics of fishing safety, casting, all about fish at Cook Forest State park, how to bait a hook, and go fishing together. PFBC staff will provide all fishing equipment, bait, and instruction. NO FISHING LICENSE needed. The equipment, bait, and instruction are provided for FREE. Participants are welcome to bring their own equipment.

Monday, July 25, 2022 5:30pm to 8:30pm