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"Echoes of the Past" presented by the Baird Ornithological Club

3025 New Holland Road, Reading, PA 19607

Join the members of the Baird Ornithological club for thier montly public program in McConnell Hall at Nolde Forest EEC.

In this program, Bill Uhrich will present digital copies of tape recordings of Rosalie Edge and Maurice Broun of Hawk Mountain Sanctuary. View film of Hawk Mt in the 50s and 60s, including an irruption of 100s of Evening Grosbeaks.

Celebrating over 100 years, the Baird Ornithological Club was founded in Reading, PA in 1921 to celebrate the birds of Berks County and foster relationships between ornithologists. For more information: https://www.bairdornithological.club/

Friday, April 14, 2023 7:30pm