DiscoverE Family Adventures: Wild Survival! (Week 3: A Hunt for a Home)
2951 Prospect Rd., Slippery Rock, PA 16057-5023
Families: take a walk on the wild side this summer and explore Jennings Environmental Education Center during the latest four-week series of DiscoverE Family Adventures: Wild Survival! During each week’s adventures families will participate in introductory activities with Jennings staff, then complete an adventure guide full of explorations and investigations, all aided by a kit full of tools like bug viewers, nets, and more.
The weekly Wild Survival adventures explore the ways that wildlife – and people – get what they need to survive and deal with many survival challenges along the way:
June 20, 22, or 24: The Fight for Food
July 11, 13, or 15: Water Quest
July 18, 20, or 22: A Hunt for a Home
August 8, 10, or 12: Air Scare
Families and pods of up to 16 people can sign up for their own timeslot, one session per week (Sunday, Tuesday, or Thursday at 9 am, 11 am, or 1 pm). Groups that participate in at least three sessions total will receive special recognition and take-home prizes! Activities are especially meant for families with children ages 6-12, but all ages are welcome to participate together. Registration is required for each individual session by clicking the green button or by calling 724-794-6011. Register using the name of one responsible adult for the group and add the names and ages of all participants under “Additional Info.”
The following COVID-19 safety protocols will be in place:
- Masks: Jennings staff will wear masks when interacting with groups. For visitors interacting with staff, a mask is required for unvaccinated participants, and not required if you are vaccinated.
- All materials will be thoroughly sanitized before and after every use.
- We encourage guests to wash hands and/or hand sanitize before and after the program at a minimum. Jennings staff will do the same.
- We ask participants to stay home if they have been diagnosed with COVID-19, are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19, or have been in contact with anyone who has been diagnosed or is experiencing symptoms.
- All adult participants must sign a waiver for themselves and minors in the group, and provide contact information so it can be available should any tracing become necessary.
- Adventure guides are available to print at home if participants prefer.
Thursday, July 22, 2021 1pm to 2:30pm