DiscoverE - Outdoor Explorers Nature at Night
225 Pleasant Valley Road, Portersville, PA 16051-2031
DiscoverE Camp – Outdoor Explorers Nature at Night - July 9TH, 10TH, & 11TH – (Ages 6-8 only)
8:00PM – 10:00PM - Moraine
Outdoor Explorers “Nature at Night” will be held on three consecutive days: July 9, 10 & 11, 2019.
6-8 year olds are invited to become Outdoor Explorers as we learn about owls, fireflies and bats through hands-on activities, storytelling, games and observing these animals in their natural habitat.
July 9 – Owls of PA & Owl Prowl - Lakeview Beach Area (North Shore) Pavilion 4, Moraine State Park
July 10 – Incredible Insects & Fireflies - Lakeview Beach Area (North Shore) Pavilion 4, Moraine State Park
July 11 – All about Bats & Bat Watch - Mt. Zion Baptist Church (No Restroom Facilities) on route 528
Dress appropriately for the outdoors and bring a snack and water. Cost for the programs series is $15.00, exact cash or make check payable to “Commonwealth of PA” due on first day of camp.
Pre-registration is required. To register call the Park Office at 724-368-8811. Parents must accompany their child during this camp.
Thursday, July 11, 2019 8pm to 10pm