DCNR Calendar of Events
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DARCee's Friends of Keystone Under the Bridge Clean Up Event

1150 Keystone Park Road, Derry, PA 15627-3679

Dust off that Red Hot Chili Peppers CD, load it up, and come on out and meet the members of DARCee and the Friends of Keystone State Park under the bridge in Derry Borough. This is an area that has needed some love for quite some time and it's up to us as a community to give it. Supplies will be provided so simply arrive at any time between 10AM and 12PM and we'll get you started. If you're not sure how to get to the location, just send an email to jkeene@pa.gov or derryarearevitalization@gmail.com and we'll make sure that you know where to go. 

So that we know how much to get in supplies (and lunch!), please be sure to register by clicking the link: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=4g9wmzbbb&oeidk=a07ej71ebuk982d6b19

Keystone State Park naturalist Jean will also be on hand and would like to track the ecosystem that is in that area. We'll do that by conducting a bioblitz, which is simply identifying all of the living organisms that we see in the area. We'll use digital tools such as iNaturalist and eBird on mobile devices, just talk to Ms. Jean and she'll get you started. 

Saturday, May 28, 2022 10am to 1pm