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Cook Forest Living History Weekend

100 RT 36, Cooksburg, PA 16217-0120

Please join us for a fun filled weekend of living history as we journey through various historical eras of the United States: French & Indian War, Colonial Period, Lumber Era, Civil War, and the Korean War.  Join living historian and master story-teller Paul Stillman, historical interpreter Dave Clark, and singer-story teller Ray Owen, as they take us through these noteworthy periods of American history through first person character portrayals, hands-on demonstrations, and song.


 Friday, May 27 from 800pm-1000pm

‘Seneca Point by Candlelight’     Take a walk back in time with historical characters from the past.  Please meet at the Fire Tower parking lot where a 1750’s French Marine will guide us through the ancient rocks of Seneca Point in search of Seneca & Abanaki warriors on their trek south along the Catawba Trail.


Saturday, May 28 from 1000am-1200pm

Paul Stillman as a ‘Seneca Indian’     A Native American visits us from the past on his trip from New York as he travels south along the historic Olean Trail.  Please bring your camp chairs and meet at the Log Cabin Inn Environmental Learning Classroom where he will be preparing for his trip.


Saturday, May 28 from 100pm-230pm

Logging, Dogging, & Hewing: An 1800’s Timber Operation’     Celebrate Cook Forest’s lumber heritage with Dale Luthringer by observing various tools of the trade, ‘hewing to the line’, and bark peeling.  Explore an old bracket dam.  Bring a partner and test your skill at the   two-man crosscut saw.  Don’t forget to try your hand at the Schnitzelbunk!  Please bring your camp chairs and meet at the Log Cabin Inn Environmental  Learning Classroom.


Saturday, May 28 from 300pm-430pm

Paul Stillman and Dave Clark as ‘The North Meets South’     Come see the Civil War through a New York regimental line soldier and a rebel of the Army of Northern Virginia.  Please bring your camp chairs and meet at the Log Cabin Inn Environmental Learning Classroom.


Saturday, May 28 from 900pm-1030pm

Paul Stillman as a ‘Provincial Soldier’     Talk with a British Provincial soldier from the colony of Pennsylvania during the French & Indian War at the Ridge Camp Park Amphitheater.  As a citizen soldier and family man, he enjoyed being the first line of defense of the British that would fight the French in Western Pennsylvania during the 1750’s.  Examine his gear, food stuffs, and weapons which helped him survive harsh winters and starvation.


Sunday, May 29 from 100-200pm

Dave Clark as a ‘Korean War Marine’     Join a Marine from the 1st Div, 5th Reg, 1st BN at the edge of the parking lot field near the Log Cabin Inn Environmental Learning Classroom as he walks you through the landing at Inchon and the story of the Frozen Chosin.  Learn about the cause and conditions Marines and soldiers fought in during the Forgotten War.  Look for the deuce & ½ !!!


Sunday, May 29 from 230pm-330pm

Paul Stillman as a ‘Colonial Craftsman’     Learn how things were made during the early part of the 18th century during a quill and bamboo pen fabrication workshop.  Please bring your camp chairs at meet at the Log Cabin Inn Environmental Learning Classroom.


Sunday, May 29 from 400-530pm

‘Colonial Life for Children’     Imagine yourself as a child growing up in the mid 1700’s.  What would you do for fun?  What clothing might you wear?  Would you go to school?  Find all this out and more at the Log Cabin Inn Environmental Learning Classroom, as the Noel   family shares what Colonial times were like for children.


Sunday, May 29 from 800-915pm

Ray Owen, GRAMMY nominated singer, songwriter, and storyteller, will be presenting 'Hats Off to Pennsylvania: History Through Music’ at the Ridge Camp Park Amphitheater.  Ray has performed with legendary entertainers such as Garth Brooks, Arlo Guthrie, Bill Monroe, Bob Hope, and Willie Nelson.  Join us for a musical journey through important historical events that happened in Pennsylvania.  Don’t  forget your chairs and blankets! 


Sunday, May 29, 2022 10am to 10:30pm