Caring for the Woods Workshop
15 Packard Avenue, Greenville, PA 16125
#caringforthewoodsJoin woodland owners, homeowners, and anyone interested in their local environment for a Caring for your Woods workshop! Become a better steward of your woods, no matter the size! Learn about the land around you and how to care for it from local forestry and environmental professionals. Registration is free but required. Call or email the Clear Creek Forest District office to register at 814-226-1901 or
8:00 am: Registration and Morning Refreshments
8:30 am: Welcome
8:45 am: Keynote Speaker - "Special Geologic Features of Mercer and Crrawford Counties" Fred Zelt, Earch Science Excursions, LLC
10:00 am: Breakout Session 1: "How to Conduct a Timber Harvest" Mark Lewis, DCNR Bureau of Forestry or "Tips for Planting a Successful Yard Tree" Jessica Pierce, DCNR Bureau of Forestry
11:00 am: Breakout Session 2: "Proactive Steps to Increase the Health and Resilience of your Woodlot" Dave Cole, DCNR Bureau of Forestry or "Planting for Pollinators and Benefical Insects" Mark Fiely, Ersnt Conservation Seeds
11:45 am: Closing
Saturday, January 21, 2023 8am to 12pm