CANCELED - Bluebirds & Cavity Nesting Species
1579 State Park Road, Newport, PA 17074-9428
Amid concerns about the potential spread of COVID-19, all public programs, events, and trainings in state parks and forests are canceled through April 30.
Except for the parks and forests that have been announced as closed, state park and forest facilities remain open.
Join us at the park office for a program highlighting our bluebird trail. Bluebird boxes not only benefit bluebirds but also a variety of other cavity nesting bird species. We will discuss how to set up and maintain your very own bluebird boxes, what species can benefit from them, and how to properly protect boxes from predators. We will then take a short walk to look at some of our boxes around the park office. This is a free program and walk, and no registration is required. This is also a great opportunity for individuals interested in volunteering in the park to come out and learn about some of the opportunities we have available. Adverse weather can force us to cancel programs - if there is heavy snow, check the Facebook page for cancellations.
Sunday, April 19, 2020 9am to 10am