Birding on Lake Shore Trail
4205 Little Pine Creek Road, Waterville, PA 17776-9705
Join the staff for some birding on the Lake Shore Trail. Topics will include the different birds that live at Little Pine and also how to identify them. Please bring your own binoculars and other birding gear.
All children must be accompanied by an adult in order to participate. Also, all participants will need to follow the CDC Guidelines and wear a mask in order to attend this program. If you are sick or have been around someone who has been sick, please stay home.
Registration is highly recommended by clicking the green register button (limited to 10 people), and may be modified or cancelled in the event of severe weather or new CDC Guidelines. Please make sure to register in a group if more than one person is coming. If you need assistance, please call Little Pine Park office at 570-753-6005. Meet at the beginning of Lake Shore Trail (kiosk at top of dam).
Friday, June 4, 2021 7pm to 8pm