Big Night for Salamanders Preregistration required
170 Route 259 Highway, Penn Run, PA 15765-5941
##PASalamanders #SalamandersRuleThis Friends of the Park program has been moved from Fri, March 15 to Thur, March 21 from 6:30-8:00PM.
Cool, wet spring nights are a great way time to see the salamander migration at Yellow Creek State Park. Come join us for a short presentation on our spring time salamanders and then drive over to the park to check out their migration to lay eggs in vernal pools. Please dress for the weather, wear waterproof shoes, and bring a flashlight. This program is for ages 9 & up. You must preregister before 3/19/2024.
Thursday, March 21, 2024 6:30pm to 8pm