Big Sit Birding Event
220 Locust Lake Road, Barnesville, PA 18214, USA
Please join us on October 12 for a fun event at Locust Lake State Park for the annual Big Sit birding event. We’ll record all the birds that we see from a fixed count circle area. This area is on the north side of the lake, at the western edge of the grassy field area not far from the camp store. Along with recording observations, we have some good chatting on birds & nature …. usually get some interesting stories. Our circle is registered as an official Big Sit site, as there a many of them nationwide on the Columbus Day weekend.
The event will run from 7:00am – 3:00pm, and you can stop anytime during that time frame. We will have some drinks and snacks. Bring binoculars and a lawn chair We will be meeting in the campstore field.
Robin at (570) 467-2506 or
Saturday, October 12, 2024 7am to 3pm