DCNR Calendar of Events
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Annual Spring Bird Walk

Silver Creek Road and Salt Springs Road, Montrose, PA 18801


Local resident and past president of the PA Society for Ornithology Evan Mann will lead a walk to identify as many bird species as we can by sight and sound. We’ll search the campground and ravine for the park’s signature species, Louisiana waterthrush and winter wren, and visit meadows for bluebirds and the upper fields for bobolinks. The upper gorge will yield multiple warbler and thrush species, and the early successional fields of the Friends land will add another suite of birds to our list. We expect to detect 60 different species. We’ll meet in the Wheaton House parking lot and leave from there at 8 a.m. and conclude late morning. Join us for all or part of the walk. Good walking shoes and binoculars are recommended. Fee: Free-will donation.

Saturday, May 28, 2022 8am