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Advanced Watershed Educator Workshop: Become a Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience Ambassador

Dauphin County Agriculture & Natural Resources Center, Environmental Classroom Free Event
Free Event

Dauphin County Agricultural & Natural Resources Center

This workshop is for non-formal educators to become Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience (MWEE) Ambassadors

You may choose to attend Day 1 (MWEE Ambassador workshop) only or both days (workshop and water education skills training).

We all rely on the services provided by our natural world to survive and thrive—and we can all play a role in supporting a healthy and vibrant ecosystem. More than 1,740,000 students live and learn in Pennsylvania, and the future well-being of our watersheds will soon rest in their hands.

Stakeholders across Pennsylvania are working to support students to graduate with the knowledge and skills to protect and restore their local watershed through the participation in MWEEs. MWEEs are learner-centered experiences that focus on investigations into local environmental issues that lead to informed action and civic engagement.

MWEEs depend on the facilitation and support of both school and nonformal, field-based educators for the experiences to be holistic and impactful. This workshop will help prepare non-formal environmental education providers to partner with K–12 classroom teachers on a MWEE.

This workshop has been designed to provide a deep understanding of the MWEE as a vehicle for advancing environmental literacy and stewardship while increasing standards-based student achievement. To become a MWEE Ambassador, non-formal educators need to attend one of the MWEE Ambassador trainings and complete online learning modules.

BONUS! Each MWEE workshop will be paired with an optional second day focused on enhancing your hands-on water education skills: aquatic macroinvertebrates, water chemistry, stream habitat assessments, riparian restoration, watershed modeling, stormwater best management practices, or manure management impacts (2-4 of these topics specific to each site).

  • COST: FREE! Includes a catered lunch, snacks, and refreshments.
  • AUDIENCE: Environmental Educators (non-formal, informal, field-based, naturalists)
  • ACT 48 HOURS: Provided by DCNR-PA State Parks
  • Pre-registration is required. Go here to register-
  • Find more information about MWEEs at
  • These workshops will be facilitated by trainers from Stroud Water Research Center, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, DCNR-Bureau of Pennsylvania State Parks, Penn State Extension, and Millersville University.
  • QUESTIONS? Contact Steve Kerlin at skerlin@stroudcenter.org or call 610-268-2153, ext. 297.
  • Funding made possible through generous B-WET grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA Grant #NA17NMF4570274).

Three MWEE Ambassador Workshops have already been offered. This Dauphin MWEE Ambassador workshop was snowed out in February 2019 and has now been re-scheduled for 8/27 & 8/28, 2019.

Educators only need to attend one workshop to become a MWEE Ambassador. 

In 2019 & 2020, MWEE training will be offered for both formal teachers and school Administrators.


MWEE Workshop at Dauphin County Agriculture & Natural Resources Center           

Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Water Education Skills (Optional Day 2) Wednesday, August 28, 2019          Stormwater & Ag, BMPs, Drinking Water Chemistry            1451 Peters Mountain Road                                                                    Dauphin, PA 17018

Registration is now open. To register, go to https://forms.gle/oeJbADKbpGENJRs17 (Use Google Chrome)



Wednesday, August 28, 2019 9am to 3pm