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3MJC Nature Book Sale

2951 Prospect Rd., Slippery Rock, PA 16057-5023

Have a love for the outdoors and books? Looking for environmental education and science resources for school, scouts, or 4H?  Come out to Jennings Environmental Education Center for the Moraine, McConnells Mill and Jennings Commission (3MJC) Nature Book Sale!  An advanced sale for educators, scout/4-H leaders, other non-formal educators, and college students will take place on November 12 from 4 pm – 7 pm, with an open sale for all on Saturday, November 13 from 9 am – 4 pm. Both sales take place in the classroom at Jennings. Books are used, in a variety of conditions, and include field guides, children’s nature books, textbooks, activity guides, and more.  All sales are pay-what-you-can (no prices marked), with proceeds supporting expanding educational resources at Jennings EE Center and other projects in the parks. Cash, Check, or Credit accepted. Masks are highly encouraged indoors, regardless of vaccination status.

Saturday, November 13, 2021 9am to 4pm