DCNR Calendar of Events
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DCNR Grant Funding for Statewide or Regional Partnerships Projects

Free Event

This webinar is specifically designed for those interested in obtaining grant funding to support public recreation, conservation, or heritage initiatives across a state-wide or regional landscape within Pennsylvania.  Partnerships Program project categories include: Convening, Education, and Training; Special Purpose Planning; Implementation; and Mini-Grant programs.  This webinar will provide a general over of the Partnerships Program, which will include eligible project activities, funding sources, matching requirements, and strategies on how to create a competitive grant application.  Participants will also have the opportunity to ask general Partnerships Program questions


For additional information regarding the Grant Workshops and Webinars, please contact Linda Manning at linmanning@pa.gov or call (717) 783-4736.


For guidance pertaining to our grant program, please contact your local regional advisor at the Regional Offices Tab on our webpage:



Thursday, February 11, 2016 10am to 11:30am