DCNR Grant Funding for Statewide or Regional Partnerships Projects
This webinar is specifically designed for those interested in obtaining grant funding to support public recreation, conservation, or heritage initiatives across a state-wide or regional landscape within Pennsylvania. Partnerships Program project categories include: Convening, Education, and Training; Special Purpose Planning; Implementation; and Mini-Grant programs. This webinar will provide a general over of the Partnerships Program, which will include eligible project activities, funding sources, matching requirements, and strategies on how to create a competitive grant application. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask general Partnerships Program questions.
For additional information regarding the Grant Workshops and Webinars, please contact Linda Manning at linmanning@pa.gov or call (717) 783-4736.
For guidance pertaining to our grant program, please contact your local regional advisor at the Regional Offices Tab on our webpage:
Thursday, February 11, 2016 10am to 11:30am